100 Days of Code - Daily Journal and Updates


4 min read

Here goes me again with publically committing to 100 days code challenge ๐Ÿ’ช. I will be updating this blog post for each day for the next 100 days to come with what I am up to and what I learned that day. I will also add links to tweets and that I find helpful along the way.

The main goal for this challenge is to get up to speed with some of the ongoing frameworks like Angular (for work) and React (for self-development).

I have seen people break the 100 days to 25 days packages and name them R1, R2, R3, and R4. So I will follow the same pattern for short-term achievement/failure and get back up at it ๐Ÿคž.

Before I begin, Advise to self: ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Keep social media sites aside while working or concentrating on a piece of code.

๐Ÿšง 24 June 2021 - R1 Day 8:

๐Ÿ†• 23 June 2021 - R1 Day 7:


  • Routing using angular-route dependency ngRoute
  • New components and registering them in app-module
  • Custom filters and using the pipe filter function {{expression | filter}}
  • Events handled using ng-click for single clicks and ng-dblclick for double clicks

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 22 June 2021 - R1 Day 6:


  • HTTP request using dependency injection

  • Different types of dependency injection

    • value
    • factory
    • service
    • provider
    • constant
  • ng-src directive instead of src to bind hyperlink to correct values

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 21 June 2021 - R1 Day 5:


  • Have been looking at all the multiple types of files in an AngularJS/Angular project for a year now and for the first time came to know what and why *.module.js, *.component.js, *.component.spec.js, and *.template.js files are used for.
  • Querying repeater in an AngularJS project by including the filter pipe option with ng-repeat
  • Two way binding between View and model


  • Inheritance and selectors whose styles are inherited by all the children.
  • Pseudo-classes

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 20 June 2021 - R1 Day 5:

Learned Components in AngularJS and how they are a combination of template and controllers and are highly reusable.

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 19 June 2021 - R1 Day 4:


Well, today was a GIS day where I learned about the following things related to ArcMap,

  • Feature datasets
  • Relation classes for permanent relate
  • Attribute manager
  • Compacting a geodatabase

File geodatabase (.gdb)

  • Can be viewed properly in ArcCatalog
  • Shape length and area are automatically calculated
  • add new attribute field, can have descriptive names
  • file database can store all types of spatial data
  • feature datasets are locked if a feature class is being edited
  • indexing based on spatial location and on attributes to speed up the search function.

Personal geodatabase (.mdb) - 2GB file limit

  • MS Access 2003 format with spatial extension
  • Not recommended to store raster due to the size limit

Web Dev

Week 3 of Javascript full-stack bootcamp by

CSS Basics

  • selector - html tag for styling, class (using . symbol) or id (using # symbol)
  • declarations - contain rules

Added to HTML using

  1. link tag or the
  2. style tag for direct inclusion (also good for experimentation)
  3. inline styles

Combined selector

  1. tags, classes, and ids can be combined to apply to style
  2. Can also be grouped using a coma
  3. to identify parent-child relation we can use < to apply style only to child tags
  4. sibling selection for following tags using + symbol

Attribute presence-based selectors using [] symbols

Specificity and its calculation using 4 slots

!important to force styles

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 18 June 2021 - R1 Day 3:

Not much to show today as a lot of other commitments but made a point to commit whatever the case may be,

  • Learned about components and how to initialize them. They mainly servers the purpose of being usable again and again but I'll read more to understand the true strength of components
  • How a component name is in camelCase inside the component but when referred in HTML, it is in kebab-case

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 17 June 2021 - R1 Day 2:

So the progress was a bit slow but I intend to make it count. Let see what we did .... Ah yes, here goes

  • Learned how you can add ng-controller to any HTML tag and the data for that controller can be used within it using data binding
  • Learned about how to use $scope in AngularJS to retrieve data from controllers.
  • Working of data binding using two curly braces {{ ... }}
  • More usage with ng-repeat directive
  • Wrote my first test today using Karma Jasmine and how you can expect and variable value toBe some predefined or expected value

๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ 16 June 2021 - R1 Day 1:

Starting my learning with AngularJS

PhoneCat Tutorial App for AngularJS. Well, you might ask why AngularJS? It mainly for work as we are planning to migrate an old AngularJS developer to a newer version.

For migrating from AngularJS to Angular, currently referring to these article(s):
